3 Ways to Boost Front Line Productivity

The 80/20 rule, a KPI that has provided much frustration to businesses. Fact is, the 80/20 rule exists because typically the right motivational factors are not in place to drive employees to higher levels of production.

Compensation and benefits are expectations in the workplace and are not viewed as additional opportunities to reward exceptional behavior. Given the instant gratification society that we live in, employees do not see 12 months of hard work for a 3-5% raise as a reward.

Here are three simple ways to boost productivity that will inspire the “other 80” to produce for the organization.

An Engaging Crew Incentive

A simple and efficient way to raise employee engagement is with a fun and engaging crew incentive. The key words are fun and engaging. This is not draw a plastic prize from a box or get a $10 gift card for doing X 50 times. Many companies think this type of “reward” will motivate their teams. It does not and can actually insult them. A better incentive is to have a game component to make the activity of earning the reward just as exciting as receiving it. It must be goal driven with a clear path that gives the employee an opportunity to play and win.

A play and win incentive centered around team performance helps motivate the group rather than isolating individuals against one another. Team competitions generate higher productivity than individualized rewards because it evens up the opportunity for reward and lower performing members stay engaged and motivated.

These incentives can also reinforce training points as prior to playing the crew must review or perform a knowledge check to ensure that they understand the key program points and goals.

Authentic Encouragement

Spend 30 seconds in a business that encourages and inspires their employees and immediately you feel and notice the difference. Supporting your team is much different from demanding performance. Competition is a great motivator but carrying it out to humiliation and shaming makes zero sense.

Organizations should treat their team members as family not X’s and 0’s. Encouraging the group is far more beneficial than singling out a couple of top performers and then telling everyone they should perform like them. That type of tactic causes isolation, separation and resentment within the group and does far more harm than good. Building an encouraging and supportive environment goes much further than creating one of fear.

Profitable Productivity

Greater productivity has three investment components. Time, people and dollars. When organizations cut corners to shave an extra .05% of profit, they run the risk of creating working conditions and an environment where employees do not feel valued. Compound this with company first policies that have no customer benefit and are mandated to drive increased revenue and employees can quickly feel left out and abandoned. Increased revenue is hard to come by when front line workers do not value the policies and procedures of the company. Running every policy and procedure change by the front line team is not realistic, but it is imperative to solicit feedback and adjust to foster a collaborative environment. Taking the time to meet face to face with the consumer facing team is a crucial step in building a relationship that supports your customer base and provides long-term value to your employees.


Providing a unique and engaging team crew incentive allows companies to break up the monotony of the daily grind for front line workers and realize greater productivity. Authentically encouraging employees where they feel valued and collaborating with them will have positive effects, driving higher sales and providing a better consumer experience that come together to break through the 80/20 rule.